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Solar Interconnection

Contact MVU Administration:
14331 Frederick St., Suite 2
Moreno Valley

Residential Solar Interconnection Process Documents

Effective June 1, 2018 MVU will only accept the new Residential Solar and Storage Applications and NEM 2.0 forms

The City Council approved MVU's NEM successor rate and it became effective on April 18,2018. This new rate allows a customer who is a net producer of energy, during each billing period, to receive a monetary credit on their billing account. Note, existing solar customers have been grandfathered for 15 years on the Schedule NEM rate.

MVU only accepts residential solar interconnections using the Residential Solar & Storage Application. MVU recommends exploring all cost-effective energy efficiency options prior to installing solar, starting with an energy audit.

To participate in MVU's Residential Energy Audit and Direct Installation Program, download the application.

Solar technologies, industry trends, and energy rates are evolving—as your 'trusted energy advisor,' please contact MVU for more information before installing solar on your home in Moreno Valley. 

Interconnection Requirements

  • Only complete application packets will be accepted.  A utility-provided onsite energy audit may be required for homes over 5 years old prior to interconnection approval. MVU does not allow oversized systems
  • MVU will allow systems to be installed that are sized less than or up to 100% of the maximum average historical usage for the past 12 months. For customers with less than 1-year account history, the system size will be limited to 2 Watts DC per square foot of the facility floor plan.
  • All solar system components must be new and approved by MVU. Panels and inverters should appear on the latest California Energy Commission certified photovoltaic modules list and certified inverters list as posted on the Go Solar California website.
  • MVU recommends that panels should be warranted for 25 years, and inverters and labor for 10 years.
  • If an existing MVU solar customer chooses to expand the current installed solar system by 10% or more then the account will be moved to the NEM 2.0 rate.
  • The qualifying system must be on same premises as the customer.
  • Moreno Valley Electric Utility (MVU) reserves the right to determine interconnection restrictions.

Program Applications, Documents, and Instructions

  • Applications are accepted in person or by email to the program administrator. Applications must be accompanied by 1 signed ( by the MVU Account holder) original Net Energy Metering (NEM 2.0) Agreement, or 2 signed originals (if a copy is desired for record-keeping).
  • A MVU Residential Solar & Solar Application is required for submittals of PV permit applications at the City of Moreno Valley Building & Safety division. Once a project has been accepted, notice will be emailed to the contractor listed on the application. The MVU signed form or application can then be picked up at the MVU payment office located at:
    14331 Frederick Street, Suite 2.
    Payment office hours: Mon.–Thurs.: 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.; Fri.: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Residential Solar Interconnection Process Documents

Commercial Solar Interconnection Process

Commercial solar project proposals will be evaluated on a case by case basis, based on MVU’s Generating Facility Interconnect (Rule 21). Contact MVU for more information.