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Energy Load Program

Manage Your Usage Online
Simply log in to manage energy usage online.

Access Your Energy Load Account

You can't manage what you don't measure.

The Energy Load Program is a powerful energy-management tool for the medium-to-large commercial customer.

You may need to upgrade your meter and you may need to provide a phone line to take advantage of our new Energy Load Program. The program creates a detailed, easy to read load profile of your actual energy consumption (in 15 minute intervals updated once each day) that you can then compare against a backdrop of variables.

Help in managing your costs

The operative variable in managing energy costs isn't just how much energy you use. It's when you use it.

The Energy Load Program lets you evaluate critical variables modeled against other influences like time-of-day, season, weather conditions and rate schedules.

You can also test various consumption models not only as a collective enterprise, but also by individual areas of your facility. The Energy Load Program gives you relevant and reliable data to make informed process decisions that can save you money.

For computer nuts...and for the rest of us.

Our Energy Load Program gives you a quick-read summary of all the information you need to manage your energy budget, eliminate surprises and forecast future demand. Friendly and intuitive software navigation makes it simple to:

  • get a detailed load profile of your consumption pattern,
  • test your own models for best-case consumption patterns,
  • identify waste and ways to reduce or eliminate it, and
  • confirm your operational change decisions and estimate your savings.

If you are a Commercial Customer interested in the program, please contact the Program Administrator