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Hire MoVal



Hire MoVal is an award-winning set of incentives for businesses located in Moreno Valley that hire Moreno Valley residents.  The Hire MoVal program provides incentives to businesses located in Moreno Valley who hire Moreno Valley residents. With this new expansion of the program qualified businesses receive a discount equal to the annual Business License Processing Fee. This page provides information on the program including the program qualifications, the program contract and the annual recertification form.

Apply or Recertify

Submit completed forms:
by Email:
by Mail: City of Moreno Valley 
Attn: Business License
14177 Frederick Street
P.O. Box 88005 
Moreno Valley, CA 92552-0805

Currently, there are three Hire MoVal incentives:

  • Hire a MoVal Grad — a $1,000 stipend for hiring Moreno Valley residents who have graduated from local colleges or schools. See the program flyer...
  • Hire MoVal — helps businesses advertise job openings in local outlets and provides MVU customers with electrical rate discounts for hiring local residents.
  • Hire MoVal for Small Business — provides business license discounts, free counseling and job advertisement services for businesses with gross revenues less than $200,000 that hire Moreno Valley residents.

Hire MoVal for Small Business

The Hire MoVal for Small Business qualifications are:

  • Business must be located in Moreno Valley
  • Annual Gross Receipts are less than $200,000 per year
  • At least 40% of employees are residents of Moreno Valley

How long does the exemption last? 
With the annual renewals the exemption could last as long as three years. The program will expire after the business license renewal period that begins in December 2018 and is completed in January 2019. If the annual recertification is not returned by the due date, the exemption will end during the next business license renewal cycle.

What are the annual requirements? 
A recertification report must be completed each year by October 31 and submitted to the City. The exemption will be applied to the next business license renewal cycle that begins in each December.

Other Benefits Included in Hire MoVal:

  • Businesses may use the workforce recruitment services provided by the Moreno Valley Employment Resource Center (ERC)
  • Businesses may access the Small Business Development Center (SBDC Inland Empire)
  • Businesses may adopt a “First Source” approach to employee recruitment