Telephone Town Hall

Instead of asking residents to attend a meeting after a long day of work and family commitments, the Telephone Town Hall brought the meeting to their living rooms, cars or wherever they happen to be.

Using a talk-radio format, residents asked questions live during the call, or just listened to the conversation.

“Community engagement is crucial,” said Mayor Gutierrez. “All of our lives are so busy it’s difficult to try to squeeze in one more appointment. The Telephone Town Halls will make it as easy as possible for residents to hear about what is going on in our City, ask questions, and air their concerns. We want to hear from you.”

The Telephone Town Hall will be broadcast simultaneously in English and Spanish. Participants will have the option of listening to the call and asking questions in either language, with responses also provided accordingly.

Check back for the date of the next Telephone Town Hall.

Past Meetings (Audio Only)

February, 2019
March, 2018
September, 2017