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News Release

Tenth Annual Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill Set for October 18

For immediate release: October 18, 2018

Drop, cover, hold on image

Moreno Valley residents encouraged to prepare for earthquakes

Millions of people worldwide will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:18 a.m. on October 18 during the tenth annual Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. The drills are part of a worldwide effort to reduce injuries and deaths related to earthquakes.

Participating in the 2018 Great ShakeOut is an ideal way for your family or organization to be better prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes– wherever you live, work, or travel.

During the self-led drill, participants practice how to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” 

The safe response to an earthquake is to: 

DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and also allows you to stay low and crawl to shelter if nearby.

COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand.

  • If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter
  • If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows)
  • Stay on your knees; bend over to protect vital organs

HOLD ON until shaking stops.

  • Under shelter: hold on to it with one hand; be ready to move with your shelter if it shifts
  • No shelter: hold on to your head and neck with both arms and hands.

Earthquakes can occur with little to no warning. The Southern California region is home to several active seismic zones capable of producing damaging earthquakes, including the San Andreas, San Jacinto and the Elsinore fault.

To take part in the ShakeOut, individuals and organizations are asked to join the drill by registering to participate www.shakeout.org. Once registered, participants receive regular information on how to plan their drill and become better prepared for earthquakes and other disasters.

More than 35 million people around the globe are expected to participate; and in addition to safety drills, many participants take extra steps to become better prepared for earthquakes or other disasters.

For more information visit www.shakeout.org.

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