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News Release

City of Moreno Valley Wins Inaugural Community Excellence Award from U.S. Small Business Administration

For immediate release: April 6, 2018

Moval is open for business

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has named the City of Moreno Valley the recipient of the 2018 Community Excellence Award, recognizing the City’s Economic Development Department's passion for helping small businesses succeed at every stage of development, from start-up to expansion.

This is the first time the Small Business Administration has presented the Community Excellence Award.

“Small business owners have the creativity, the resourcefulness, and the courage to transform an idea into a livelihood. That entrepreneurial spirit is a crucial part of our economic success,” said Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez. “But it takes so much more than an idea and persistence for small businesses to make it.”

“We recognized that we as a City could help small businesses succeed by ensuring owners had convenient access to vital resources and ongoing support,” Mayor Gutierrez said. “Our creative and comprehensive approach is working. From barber shops to inventive food concepts - small businesses are thriving here in Moreno Valley.”

The City of Moreno Valley was selected by an independent board of small business leaders for efforts to increase jobs, innovation and the quality of life in Moreno Valley through business attraction, business retention and local workforce development.

The City provides small business owners with a variety of services free of charge including:

Small Business Workshops and One-on-one Counseling: The City partners with key organizations to provide expert technical assistance to Moreno Valley start-up and expanding businesses. Workshops are held monthly and feature in-demand topics including how to start a business, writing a winning business plan, and government contracting. One-on-one expert counseling is available to all Moreno Valley start-ups and established businesses.

Hire MoVal: A multi-pronged local hire strategy that encourages businesses to hire local residents in exchange for incentives, including business license fee waivers and reduced electricity rates.

Hire A MoVal Grad: A local hire program that rewards businesses with cash incentives for hiring recent college or vocational and technical school graduates from Moreno Valley.

Hiring Assistance: Provides a free location for businesses to connect with local job seekers through job fairs, recruitment events, labor market surveys, workforce training dollars and job announcements.

Business Spotlight: Twenty businesses are selected each year to receive a professionally produced 30 second commercial highlighting their business.

Business Roundtable: A luncheon that provides businesses an opportunity to interact directly with the Council Members who represents their district to network and receive economic development updates, and discuss current industry issues.

Small Business Visits: A face-to-face, on-site meet and greet with the business to share resources, programs and services.

Business Ombudsman: A designated staff member to serve as a liaison and provide rapid response service to small businesses.

Shop MoVal: A marketing program that encourages residents to support local businesses.

The City of Moreno Valley has worked tirelessly to expand small business development services and to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the City.

In 2018, the Department consolidated all small business development workshops and programs to the Moreno Valley Employment Resource Center (ERC), providing increased interaction between the community and local businesses.

“This year’s class of Small Business Week honorees represent the diversity of industries and individuals that make entrepreneurship the power behind our economy,” said J. Adalberto Quijada, the SBA's Orange County/ Inland Empire District Director. “Their efforts lead to jobs, innovation and stronger communities for us all.”

For more information about the City’s small business programs or to learn more about developing a commercial or retail location in Moreno Valley, please visit www.morenovalleybusiness.com and contact the Economic Development Department at EDTeam@moval.org or at 951.413.3460.

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Economic Development Department