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News Release

City of Moreno Valley Grateful for Governor’s Veto of Assembly Bill 890

For immediate release: October 16, 2017

Bill would have significantly restricted local control over land use decisions

Moreno Valley leaders today expressed gratitude for Governor Jerry Brown’s veto of Assembly Bill 890 which would have imposed far sweeping and negative effects on growing cities across California.

The legislation would have allowed “downzoning” of commercial/industrial property, for uses as limited as “Open Space,” without any future opportunities for cities or local voters to re-zone those parcels for more productive uses.

“Moreno Valley, like other growing cities, greatly appreciates Governor Brown’s wisdom in deciding to veto AB 890,” said Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez. “We took a strong role in leading the effort to stop this harmful legislation, which would have surrendered cities’ destiny to outside interests who oppose all development, including the type of high quality projects that created more than 14,000 jobs in our City over the past 4 years. In opposing this bill, the City of Moreno Valley stood strong to preserve voters’ Constitutional right to make land use decisions through the Ballot Initiative process,” he said.

The bill was sponsored by Assemblyman Jose Medina, who represents the 61st Assembly District, largely comprised of Moreno Valley residents. The bill received primary support from environmental lobbyists that have vigorously opposed development projects in Moreno Valley.

“Defeating this bill required a great deal of time and energy which should have instead been focused on creating jobs in Moreno Valley,” said Mayor Pro Tem Victoria Baca who was the only local elected official who testified in opposition to AB 890 as it moved through the legislative process in Sacramento. “Had AB 890 become law, it would have created an Economic Drought - - as jobs would have evaporated from communities across California. I sincerely hope that our Assembly Member (Medina) will now channel his legislative efforts to promote development that brings jobs to our shared constituents in the 61st Assembly District. Local residents deserve to know that their Assembly Member is primarily interested in creating a prosperous future for families across Moreno Valley. It’s time to focus on the needs of local residents, rather than outside groups who take extreme measures to deny job opportunities to Moreno Valley residents,” she said. “I look forward to working with Assembly Member Medina to bring educational opportunities and workforce development to prepare our residents for jobs of the future.”

As Inland Southern California’s economic hub, Moreno Valley leads the region in job growth. The City enjoys unparalleled growth in its industrial, commercial, medical and residential sectors reflecting the City Council’s commitment to moving at the speed of business. With Economic Development as the top priority in the Momentum MoVal strategic plan, the City remains highly successful in meeting the community’s current and emerging needs by expanding the local economy through new business opportunities, job creation, strategic partnerships and workforce development.

For more information on Moreno Valley’s award winning economic development programs, visit morenovalleybusiness.com.


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Timothy Carroll
Media Division Manager