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News Release

Council Member Jeffrey Giba Attends POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony

For immediate release: September 26, 2017


Council Member Jeffrey Giba was proud to attend the POW/ MIA Recognition Day Ceremony last week, September 15th held at March Air Reserve Base. The annual ceremony is held the third Friday of September across the nation to remember the sacrifices and service of U.S. military service personnel who were prisoners of war (POW), as well as those who are missing in action (MIA), and their families.

“It is my honor and privilege to join the nation in remembrance of POWs and those who are MIA,” said Council Member Giba. “It is not just because I proudly served in the U.S. Navy for 24 years and am a Vietnam and Desert Storm veteran, it’s because I am a grateful American.”

The ceremony included remarks from event host Colonel James Hartle, 452nd Maintenance Group Commander and special guest speaker SMSgt. William R. Griffey, Superintendent of Maintenance Training where he ensures training is being accomplished for the men and women who work on C-17 and KC-135 aircrafts at March Air Reserve Base. The event also included a narrated presentation of the Missing Man Table with a description of the elements, and the laying of the wreath.

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Angel Migao
City Council Office