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Accord Reached with South Coast Air Quality Management District
to Advance the World Logistics Center

The City of Moreno Valley and Highland Fairview have reached an agreement with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) to advance development of the World Logistics Center project.

The WLC will yield unprecedented benefit to Moreno Valley’s local economy, providing an estimated 13,000 construction jobs and 20,000 permanent jobs at a variety of skill levels – from entry level to management.  The project is estimated to contribute approximately $2.5 billion annually in economic activity to the city and the region.

“The logistics industry continues to emerge as a cornerstone of the world economy, while expanding job opportunities for generations of Moreno Valley residents,” said Moreno Valley Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez.   “The agreement reached with SCAQMD moves this key project forward, and recognizes that the World Logistics Center already raises the bar to new heights when it comes to environmental standards,” he added. 

Under the agreement, World Logistics Center (WLC) construction projects will be subject to a fee of 64 cents per square foot.  Proceeds from this Air Quality Improvement Fee will be used to further improve air quality in the South Coast Air Basin. 

A series of groundbreaking air quality improvement features were already incorporated into the approved World Logistics Center project: all trucks must meet 2010 emissions standards, construction equipment will meet federal Tier 4 requirements and a compressed natural gas fueling station will be installed. 

“We thank the SCAQMD Director, staff and Board for working cooperatively on a viable strategy to help alleviate impacts associated with logistics development in our region. Air quality is a critical issue in Southern California and will require a regional strategy to resolve,” said Highland Fairview President/Chief Executive Iddo Benzeevi. “The settlement structure sets a precedent for a fee that would be applied to all logistics facilities to be built within the South Coast Air Basin, and we are happy to partner with the SCAQMD to advance clean air, protect our environment and create jobs in our region,” he said.

The World Logistics Center is a world class business park specifically designed to link large global companies with emerging markets.  The WLC capitalizes on Moreno Valley’s strategic location in one of the world’s largest economies and within an hour’s drive of every major market in Southern California.  This unique location at the junction of two major transportation corridors (SR-60 and I-215) also places the WLC within overnight delivery range to the 11 western states and within expedient reach to over 200 million customers.