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Moreno Valley Adopts Strategic Plan

The Moreno Valley City Council charted a plan for the future by adopting the City’s first Strategic Plan on August 16, 2016. The resulting document, known as “Momentum MoVal,” is the result of an incredibly collaborative effort among residents, Council Members, business owners, and other stakeholders in the City’s future.

Public outreach, to discover resident concerns, included two Town Hall meetings attended by more than 150 community members. After documenting the ideas generated at the Town Hall meetings, the City invited residents to participate in an online survey through which 357 respondents ranked their top priorities.

The priority rankings were discussed at a public City Council planning session that allowed Council Members to offer comments and suggest revisions. Additional Council and public consideration resulted in an articulate document detailing six top priorities supported by 163 measurable initiatives. Momentum MoVal is the City Council’s strategic vision for Moreno Valley’s evolution as a premier community where residents and businesses will continue to thrive.

This Strategic Plan will align the City’s resources and creative energy toward meeting objectives identified by community stakeholders and approved by its elected leaders. As a dynamic and forward-leaning endeavor, Momentum MoVal identifies the City’s top priorities for the next three to five years while allowing the Council to adjust priorities as needed to address emerging issues. It’s a living document with a laser focus on achieving the aspirations of our diverse community.

Momentum MoVal is available on the Quick Links tab on the City’s website or at: