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Residents Provide Survey Responses
Regarding Proposed
Canyon Springs High School Stadium
Neighbors seek complete information about Stadium Project

The City of Moreno Valley appreciates responses to a recent survey sent to residents and property owners near a proposed Stadium project at Canyon Springs High School.  The survey focused on more than 6,853 residences located in the vicinity of the proposed stadium.  The survey area extends approximately 1 mile north and south of the high school campus along Pigeon Pass Road and east to Heacock Street.

A total of 1,063 surveys were returned, constituting a 15.5% return rate. The data revealed several key indicators:

  • Many residents (40% of those responding) were not aware of the proposed Stadium before receiving the City’s survey in February.
  • The overwhelming majority of respondents (73%) would like to have full disclosure of all facts related to the proposed Stadium.
  • Residents (63%) want direct community outreach from the City and Moreno Valley Unified School District regarding the proposed Stadium.
  • Area residents expressed concerns over potential traffic impacts associated with the stadium.
  • Additional areas of resident concerns include parking, noise and lighting associated with the addition of a stadium to the high school located in Moreno Valley’s northern residential area.
  • Sixty-seven percent of those responding to the survey indicated support for the Stadium project.

City officials welcomed the results, acknowledging the community’s desire for full information regarding the proposed Stadium and its potential impacts to nearby residences and City-owned Westbluff Park.

The City will incorporate residents’ requests and concerns into its response to environmental reports being prepared by the Moreno Valley Unified School District.  The City will pay particularly close attention to the School District’s plan to fully mitigate all negative impacts that the proposed Stadium would impose on nearby residences and businesses.

The results of the resident survey are posted on the City’s website at

Moreno Valley Unified School District is hosting several town hall informational meetings regarding the proposed stadium project:





6-7 p.m.

Box Springs Elementary


6-7 p.m.

Canyon Springs H.S.


6-7 p.m.

Sugar Hill Elementary


6-7 p.m.

Palm Middle


6-7 p.m.

Honey Hollow Elementary


6-7 p.m.

Canyon Springs H.S.


6-7 p.m.

Vista Heights Middle


6-7 p.m.

Midland Elementary

Information regarding the proposed project, including the Notice of Preparation and Initial Study of potential environmental consequences, is posted on the Moreno Valley Unified School District website at the following link: