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Public Scoping Meeting to Discuss Proposed Warehouse Project

A public scoping meeting to discuss the proposed Indian Street Commerce Center project will be held on Wednesday March 30, 2016.  At the meeting, the public will have the opportunity to provide comments regarding the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project.

During the public review period, public agencies, interested organizations, and individuals have the opportunity to comment on the proposed project and identify those environmental issues that should be addressed further by the City of Moreno Valley in the Draft Environmental Impact Report.  The March 30th public meeting will be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 14177 Frederick Street, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 

The Project site is located within the southern portion of the City of Moreno Valley approximately one-half mile westerly of Perris Boulevard and is bounded by Indian Street to the east, north of Grove View Road.

The Project proposes approximately 446,350 square feet of light industrial uses within an approximately 19.64-acre site. As currently proposed, 357,080 square feet, or approximately 80 percent of the Project building area would be allocated for distribution warehouse uses; the remaining 89,270 square feet, or approximately 20 percent of the Project building area would be assigned to manufacturing. Supporting office uses would also be incorporated in the building design. The proposed Indian Street Commerce Center Project (Project), including all facilities proposed within the Project site, on- and off-site supporting improvements, and associated discretionary actions, is the Project that will be considered in the EIR.

warehouse site

The Notice of Preparation (NOP), stating that an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, will be distributed to the State of California Office of Planning and Research and responsible and trustee agencies on March 14, 2016. The public review period on the NOP will extend through April 13, 2016.

Please follow this link for a copy of the Notice of Preparation documents and the Initial Study. For more information about this project, contact the Moreno Valley Planning Division at 951.413.3206.