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2016 Riverside County Point-in-Time Homeless Count

  1. Why: To count and survey homeless persons living in your community. This effort will help promote government and private grant funding and other resources for local communities to help people exit life on the streets and prevent homelessness.
  2. Where: All 28 cities throughout Riverside County including the City of Moreno Valley. PIT Counts shall also occur nationwide at different dates.
  3. When:
    Tuesday, January 26, 2016
    5:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

  4. What: If interested, you may participate in the “Point-In-Time” (PIT) Count to end chronic homelessness.
  • Identify Locations Where Homeless People Live/Spend Time/Receive Services
  • Promote Community Awareness of Homeless Issues
  • Participate on Street Counter Teams
  1. Who: Adult volunteers are needed from every community and from all walks of life including:
  • College Students • Civic/Nonprofit Organization
  • Service Providers • Bilingual Individuals
  • Faith Based Institutions
  • Business & Neighborhood Groups
  • Current/Formerly Homeless
  • Anyone Who Would Like to Help Alleviate Homelessness

For more information or to sign up for a volunteer position please see the Riverside County Homeless Counts website:

Riverside County’s Department of Public Social Services (DPSS)
(951) 358-3384

Please feel free to contact your local Moreno Valley PIT coordinators by calling the City of Moreno Valley Financial Resources Division at 951.413.3450 or

Upon request, this news release will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in these activities should direct such requests to Guy Pegan, ADA Coordinator, at 951.413.3120 at least 72 hours before the activity. The 72-hour notification will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility and participation in this meeting or event.