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Finance Expert Michael Coleman Delivered
In-depth Government Finance Seminar

The City of Moreno Valley hosted a regional information session November 21 led by Michael Coleman, one of California’s most recognized experts in local government finance. Moreno Valley residents, representatives from regional agencies, students and others from within Riverside County learned in detail about government finance at the daylong seminar.

“I am a strong advocate for informed decision making. One of the most important aspects to local government is how funding is derived and spent.  Thus, understanding how the system of revenue and spending works helps the public understand how and why certain decisions are made by the City Council. This allows for informed participation in our City government,” says Council Member Jeffrey Giba who led the effort to hold the seminar. One attendee explained that she is now more equipped to attend and participate in City Council meetings.

Session topics included:

  • Where do cities get their revenue?
  • How are budgets created?
  • Pensions and Other Post-Employment Benefits - What are the key issues?
  • How are financial policies established?
  • Who audits the books?
  • What are the roles of State government, City Council, staff and citizens?
  • How can I tell if my City is fiscally healthy?

More information about Michael Coleman and local government finance, visit his website at