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City Clerk Completes Preliminary Review Process for Three
Initiative Petitions
Signature Verification has Commenced with Anticipated Completion this Friday

The City Clerk today confirmed that her office has completed its preliminary review of all three initiative petitions submitted earlier this week by the Moreno Valley Jobs Coalition. The three initiatives essentially reaffirm the City Council’s August 25, 2015, approval of the World Logistics Center Project.

“Under my direction, the City Clerk’s office completed its prima facie review of the petitions at 10 a.m. today. We scrutinized each petition to ensure that it contained a valid signature, a printed name and identified a place of residence in the City of Moreno Valley,” said City Clerk Jane Halstead.  “With this preliminary review complete, the City’s elections consultant, Martin & Chapman, immediately began the signature verification process for each of the three initiatives. Martin & Chapman estimates that signature verification will be completed by Friday, November 20, 2015.”

The City Clerk, with the assistance of Martin & Chapman, will use a random sampling technique for verifying the signatures. The random sampling will include an examination of at least 500, or 3 percent of the signatures, whichever is greater. Pursuant to the California Elections Code, this random sampling technique is permitted in lieu of verifying each of the 7,609 signatures needed to deem each petition sufficient. The number, 7,609, represents 10 percent of the City’s total number of registered voters, according to the County Registrar’s last voter registration report for the City of Moreno Valley.

Results of the signature verification process will be published by the City Clerk on the City’s website at

For more information, please contact City Clerk Jane Halstead at or (951) 413-3001.