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World Logistics Center Initiative Petitions
Submitted to Moreno Valley City Clerk for
Signature Verification
Signature Verification Process to Begin Immediately

The City Clerk’s office today received three initiative petitions from the Moreno Valley Jobs Coalition, the group that sponsored and collected approximately 48,000 signatures for all three initiative petitions.

“As the City’s Elections Official, I am obligated to oversee the signature verification process in strict compliance with the California Elections Code. If it is determined that each petition contains the total number of required signatures (which is 7,609 for each), the petitions will be officially accepted for filing. After this prima facie review of the petitions, a random sample of 500 signatures or 3% of all submitted signatures, whichever is greater, will be examined to determine whether the signatures contained in each petition are those of registered voters in the City of Moreno Valley,” said City Clerk Jane Halstead.

Signature verification will begin immediately and it is anticipated to be completed within approximately two to three days.

Results of the signature verification process will be published by the City Clerk on the City’s website at

According to Interim City Attorney Steven B. Quintanilla, the initiatives essentially reaffirm the City Council’s approval of the World Logistics Center Project this past summer.

For more information, please contact City Clerk Jane Halstead at or (951) 413-3001.