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World Logistics Center Project Draft Development Agreement

On May 1, 2015, the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the proposed project known as the World Logistics Center was released for public viewing in advance of the Planning Commission hearing scheduled for June 11, 2015. All of the materials are available on the City’s website at Included with the FEIR material is an early draft version of a Development Agreement between the City and the project applicant, Highland Fairview.

It is important to note, and for the public to be fully aware, that the copy of the Development Agreement provided is an early draft. Negotiations between the City and the developer on this element of the project are ongoing and may continue to be revised through the course of the Planning Commission and subsequent City Council public hearings. The City has engaged technical, fiscal and legal experts to assist with this process.

The Development Agreement is related project information but is outside of the California Environmental Quality Act required components of the FEIR. Its draft status in no way compromises the integrity of the FEIR document and has no effect on the FEIR review process. The draft Development Agreement was an early version offered by the developer and was included to further enhance transparency of the project. This same draft document was initially released and presented at a public meeting of the City’s Economic Development Subcommittee in May 2014.

For more information about the proposed World Logistics Center project, please contact the City of Moreno Valley Planning Division at 951.413.3206.