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Notice of Public Hearing to Review and Adopt
the FY 2015-2016 Annual Action Plan

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that grantee cities, such as Moreno Valley, prepare an Annual Action Plan as a condition to receiving Federal funding under the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program.

The Consolidated Plan is a planning document that covers a five year period between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2018, and establishes the City’s strategies for addressing low and moderate income needs of the community, as defined by HUD regulation, such as housing, homelessness, special needs, and community and economic development activities.

The Annual Action Plan is prepared prior to the start of each fiscal year and details the specific activities and projects the City of Moreno Valley will undertake using CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds.

On March 19, 2015, the City’s Finance Subcommittee held a public meeting to review the programs and projects requesting federal funding for FY 2015-2016. A final Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. to approve projects and programs to be incorporated into the Action Plan. The meeting will take place at:

  • City of Moreno Valley, City Hall Council Chambers
    14177 Frederick Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92552

For more information, please contact the Financial Resources Division within the Financial and Management Services Department (951) 413-3450.