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World Logistics Center Project Final Environmental Impact Report
Available for Public Review

The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the World Logistics Center Project is complete and available for public review. The FEIR contains the Draft EIR (DEIR) and the modifications that resulted from the responses to comments submitted during the public review period; the proposed Mitigation Monitoring Program; and a draft Statement of Overriding Considerations. The document and related appendices are now available on the City’s website at The public hearing for the project is scheduled for the June 11, 2015 Planning Commission meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Generally, the project site is located east of Redlands Boulevard, south of the SR-60, west of Gilman Springs Road, and north of the San Jacinto Wildlife Area. The proposed World Logistics Center (WLC) project area is approximately 3,818 acres and includes a new 2,610 acre Specific Plan area. The project is envisioned to accommodate up to 40.6 million square feet of high cube industrial warehouse distribution development and related uses. Additionally, a General Plan Amendment is proposed, which would change certain General Plan Elements that currently exist for Community Development, Parks, Recreation and Open Space, Circulation, Safety, and Conservation. Approval of the project would result in a repeal of the current Moreno Highlands Specific Plan No. 212-1.

Related to the project is a proposal to pre-zone 85 acres of land at the northwest corner of Alessandro Boulevard and Gilman Springs Road in anticipation of a subsequent annexation to the City. The developer has also requested approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 36457 for 26 parcels, as well as approval of a Development Agreement covering the properties controlled by Highland Fairview.

Printed copies of the document are also available for review during regular business hours at City Hall or the Moreno Valley Library located at 25480 Alessandro Boulevard. For more information about this project, contact the City of Moreno Valley Planning Division of the Community & Economic Development Department at 951.413.3206.