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City Urges Residents: “Let’s Talk MoVal”

The City of Moreno Valley is pleased to announce the launch of Let’s Talk MoVal (, a new community engagement website. Now citizens can connect, communicate and collaborate with other residents and City leaders online - - 24-hours a day, seven days a week - - to help chart our community’s future. The new program will make it easier for more residents to actively participate in community dialogue and problem solving.

Let’s Talk MoVal gives contributors a chance to share new ideas, support others’ ideas, expand upon existing ideas and give feedback on initiatives, working with community leaders on a variety of topics online anytime, anywhere. Feedback gathered by the website will be used by the City Council to make decisions on a variety of projects and to better understand the preferences and perspectives of residents and community stakeholders on many levels. City staff members will apply public input into crafting recommendations for the Council’s consideration.

The discussion will start with topics like these, with subsequent topics selected based on public input:

  • Nason Street Corridor Visioning process
  • Most popular City events
  • Community Pride

Mayor Jesse L. Molina is pleased to have secured this tool, which widens opportunities for communication. “Improving communication is one of the most important things we can do to move our City forward. I hope people take advantage of this tool to communicate with their City government.”

Participation is easy. After quickly creating a profile at, residents and stakeholders have the ability to click on the active topics and begin sharing ideas right away. The site also measures and tracks participation, identifying the most interested citizens and most compelling topics. As topics become available for engagement, in addition to, the topics will be listed at and on the City’s official Facebook page.

For more information about communications programs for the City of Moreno Valley, please contact Shanna Palau at