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Moreno Valley Businesses Invited to Deputize Security Cameras

The City of Moreno Valley invites businesses to “deputize” their security cameras. The City is piloting a new program designed to maximize the effectiveness of public and private security cameras in deterring crime. Private security cameras throughout Moreno Valley can complement the Citywide Camera System by contributing to the amount of visual evidence to successfully prosecute illegal activities in our city.

DeputyCam GraphicHere’s how it works: Register your cameras with the Moreno Valley Police Department (MVPD) at It’s that easy to make a commitment to share video from the registered cameras when requested and it is free to participate at this level. Participants will receive signs and stickers to signify their participation in Deputy Cam to help deter crime.

The use of video generated by both the City and private business has enabled MVPD to investigate crimes in half the time compared to investigations without video. The ease and speed of criminal prosecution is also expected to be enhanced through the Deputy Cam program.

There is also an opportunity for Deputy Cam participants to allow MVPD to more quickly respond to and investigate crimes or emergencies in progress by allowing live views of existing cameras. The City is currently conducting a 6-month pilot program where 5 businesses will connect their cameras to a service that allows MVPD to see live views of existing cameras. This means that MVPD may view these cameras within seconds of Dispatch receiving a call or an alarm at these businesses. When you register your cameras the City may contact you about participating in the pilot program and will explain the costs involved with this greater level of participation.

Businesses with cameras can register their participation at Similar Deputy Cam programs operate in various cities nationwide including Washington D.C. and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Past Success

The Citywide Camera System project is a multi-department effort that (1) allows officers to see and assess an event prior to arriving on the scene; (2) records traffic at all inbound and outbound points in the City; (3) records traffic at many of the major intersections, however it is not used as a Red Light Camera; (4) provides invaluable evidence while investigating possible crimes; and (5) more fully utilizes light-duty officers, reserve officers, cadets, and volunteers so that active-duty officers can be more optimally dispatched. The Citywide Camera System includes:

  • 260 cameras throughout 74 locations (intersections, parks and rooftops)
  • Assisted in resolving or investigating 203 crimes in the last 12 months
  • 67 cameras with PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) capabilities
  • 3 portable camera and recording modules
  • 51 major traffic intersections have cameras installed
  • 8 parks have cameras installed
  • Command and Control video wall, plus workstations in a dedicated monitoring room