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Public Scoping Meeting for Proposed Walmart Project

A public scoping meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 16, to discuss the proposed South Moreno Valley Walmart project and to take public comments regarding the potential environmental impacts. The proposed project is to be located at the southwest corner of Perris Boulevard and Gentian Avenue in the City of Moreno Valley. The public review period of the Notice of Preparation for this project is March 28 through April 28, 2014.

The proposed project includes the following applications:

  • Plot Plan PA13-0032 proposes development of a 185,761 square foot retail store on an approximate 18 acre parcel.
  • Conditional Use Permit PA13-0033 proposes two alternatives for an approximate 1.0 acre parcel. A 16 pump gas station with a 2,900 square foot convenience store or a 3,500 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive-through and a 3,200 square foot retail store.
  • Tentative Parcel Map 36606 (PA13-0034) to subdivide 21 acres into three parcels for development of a retail shopping center including a detention basin.
  • P13-071 - Approval of this project will require certification of an Environmental Impact Report.

During the public review period, public agencies, interested organizations, and individuals have the opportunity to comment on the proposed project and identify those environmental issues that should be addressed further by the City of Moreno Valley in the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The April 16 public scoping meeting will be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 14177 Frederick Street, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

A copy of the Notice of Preparation cover letter and the Notice of Preparation Document is available for review at the City’s webpage or at City Hall at the Planning counter.

For more information on this project, contact the Moreno Valley Planning Division at 413.3206