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Awards of Valor Presented to Two
Moreno Valley Citizen Heroes

Moreno Valley’s City Council, City staff, Riverside County Fire Chief John R. Hawkins, and Moreno Valley Division Chief Abdul Ahmad recognized William Raymond McClung and Enrique Wong-Torres for their heroic, life-saving efforts on January 24, 2014. To honor each of them, Awards of Valor were presented at the March 25 City Council Meeting. Additional recognition for their brave actions was provided by the offices of Congressman Mark Takano, Senator Richard Roth, Assemblyman Jose Medina, and Riverside County 5th District Supervisor Marion Ashley.  

Scott Callahan
Pictured L-R: William Raymond McClung, Riverside County Fire Chief John R. Hawkins, Enrique Wong-Torres, Battalion Chief Vincent O’Neal, and Fire Captain Jeremy Snyder

On January 24, Mr. McClung and his son noticed smoke coming from a neighbor’s house and called 9-1-1 to report a fire. After the phone call was placed, Mr. McClung went to the burning home where he met Mr. Wong-Torres. Mr. Wong-Torres was attempting to control the fire with a garden hose. Both went inside the home to determine if anyone was inside but the smoke and heat forced them back outside 

After exiting the burning home, Mr. McClung and Mr. Wong-Torres noticed a woman in the second story window. Without regard to their own safety, they made a second attempt to enter the home where they successfully rescued the trapped woman. Mr. McClung and Mr. Wong-Torres braved extreme heat and heavy smoke while searching for and rescuing the woman.

Upon exiting the house, Mr. McClung and Mr. Wong-Torres were met by Moreno Valley firefighters from the Morrison Park Fire Station. Firefighters made entry into the home to search for additional victims and were confronted with a rapidly advancing fire that required them to take immediate action to control the flames before a second search could be conducted. 

Mr. McClung and Mr. Wong-Torres remained with the injured woman and continued to provide care and support to her until additional firefighters arrived. According to Moreno Valley Fire Chief Abdul Ahmad, this woman may have lost her life if not for the brave, heroic actions taken that day by William Raymond McClung and Enrique Wong-Torres.