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Public Scoping Meeting for Proposed Warehouse Project

A public scoping meeting will be held on Monday, April 21, 2014 to discuss the proposed project and to take public comments regarding the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Modular Logistics Center project in the City of Moreno Valley. The public review period of the Notice of Preparation for this project is March 25 through April 24, 2014. The proposed project includes the following application:

  • Plot Plan PA13-0063. The proposed Project involves the redevelopment of an underutilized 50.84 gross-acre property. The redevelopment process would involve the demolition and removal of existing industrial buildings and improvements from the subject property, grading and preparation of the site for redevelopment, and construction and operation of a logistics warehouse structure containing 1,109,378 square feet of building space and 256 loading bays.

The proposed logistics warehouse building would be constructed to a height of approximately 42 feet above finished grade, with architectural projections reaching a height of up to 47 feet above finished grade. Associated improvements to the property would include, but are not limited to, surface parking areas, drive aisles, utility infrastructure, landscaping, exterior lighting, signage, and water quality/detention basins.

The Project also includes frontage improvements along site-adjacent roadways that are not already improved and utility connections within abutting roadways. The Project Applicant is proposing the building on a speculative basis, meaning that the tenant is not yet identified. The Project site includes 50.84 gross acres located north of Modular Way, south of Edwin Road, west of Kitching Street, and east of Perris Boulevard.

During the public review period, public agencies, interested organizations, and individuals have the opportunity to comment on the proposed project and identify those environmental issues that should be addressed further by the City of Moreno Valley in the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The April 21, 2014 public meeting will be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 14177 Frederick Street, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

A copy of the Notice of Preparation cover letter and the Notice of Preparation Document is available for review at the City’s webpage or at City Hall at the Planning counter.

For more information on this project, contact the Moreno Valley Planning Division at 413.3206.

Project Map