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City Seeks Residents’ Ideas on Redistricting Plan

On February 25th, the City Council moved forward with a plan to seek voter approval for a new, directly-elected office of Mayor, and for a proposed redistricting of the city into four city council districts.  The City seeks residents’ comments and ideas on how the new districts should be drawn. 

Two special Community Meetings will be held:

Date Time Location
March 31, 2014      
April 16, 2014    
6 - 8 p.m.
6 - 8 p.m.
City Council Chamber, 14177 Frederick St.
Senior Center, 25075 Fir St.

The City Council will also conduct two Public Hearings as part of the regular City Council Meetings:

Date Time Location
April 8, 2014      
April 22, 2014    
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
City Council Chamber, 14177 Frederick St.
City Council Chamber, 14177 Frederick St.

Redistricting Tool
An on-line redistricting tool is available on the City’s website.  The public can draw and submit plans by accessing the link at

The deadline to submit plans to be included in the Consultant’s report for April 22, 2014 is April 16, 2014. 



On the March 25, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting the Council will consider adoption of the Redistricting Criteria:

  • Equal Population among Council Districts
    The boundaries of the districts shall be established so that the districts are at least as nearly equal in population as practical, as required by law.

  • Federal Voting Rights Act
    The boundaries of the districts shall be established so that the districts do not result in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen to vote on account of race or color as provided in Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act.

  • Communities of Interest
    The boundaries of the districts shall observe communities of interest, such as school- and park-connected neighborhoods, rural or urban populations, city planning areas, social interests, agricultural, industrial or service industry interests, as practicable.

  • Compactness & Contiguity
    The boundaries of the districts shall be as compact as practical.

  • Population Growth
    To maintain a longer-term population balance, districts known to be areas of higher-than average population growth in the two to five years following redistricting may be under populated within the population deviation amounts allowed by law.

For more information, please contact the City Clerk Jane Halstead at or by calling 951.413.3001.