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City Hosts Alessandro Boulevard Corridor Implementation Plan
Informational Meeting

The City of Moreno Valley Community & Economic Development Department invites the public to participate in discussion about plans to re-focus development and development standards along the Alessandro Boulevard corridor. The Alessandro Boulevard Corridor Implementation Plan meeting is set for tomorrow, Thursday, March 7, 2013 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber located at 14177 Frederick Street.

Please join us to discuss the following components of the plan that will be brought before the Planning Commission on March 14, 2013:

  • Rezoning of areas along Alessandro Boulevard to R30 (Residential up to 30 units per acre) as identified in the February 2011 General Plan Housing Element Update;
  • Rezoning of a 21.47 acre parcel at the southwest corner of Gentian Avenue and Perris Boulevard (APN: 485-220-041) from Residential 5 (R5) to Commercial (C);
  • Creation an overlay district for the Alessandro Boulevard corridor to identify areas suited for Multiple Use Districts, which allows a mix of residential, office and retail uses;
  • Creation urban design standards for effective and compatible higher density development;
  • Amending the Municipal Code to include all the new standards.

For more information about this meeting or the proposed project, please contact Claudia Manrique, Associate Planner at 951.413.3225 or