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Archived News Release  

October 08, 2012
CONTACT: Riverside County Fire Department
in cooperation with CAL FIRE
Public Affairs Bureau

Keeping Riverside County
Residents Safe:
“Have 2 Ways Out”

A home fire can quickly spread adding a higher risk of escaping safely. Riverside County Fire Chief, John R. Hawkins would like to remind residents that everyone home should “Have 2 Ways Out” in the event of a fire. Preparedness and practice is key!

“Families should prepare to escape a burning structure by planning and practicing two ways out. Hold regular “fire drills” to ensure you and your loved ones know what to do in the event that your home catches fire,” said Chief Hawkins. “It is equally important to make provisions for children and our loved ones with disabilities.”

During the week of October 7-13, the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) has made “Have 2 Ways Out” the theme of this year’s National Fire Prevention Week campaign. According to State Fire Marshal, Tonya Hoover, 70 percent of structure fires in California reported to the CAL FIRE-Office of the State Fire Marshal were residential and accounted for 90 percent of fire-related deaths.

Below are some tips for creating a fire escape plan:

  • Draw a map of your home. Mark a door and a window that can be used to get out of every room.
  • Choose a meeting place outside in front of your home. This is where everyone can meet after they’ve safely escaped. Draw a picture of your outside meeting place on your escape plan.
  • Write the emergency telephone number for the fire department on your escape plan.
  • Check your smoke alarms regularly and have practice escape drills so everyone knows two ways out.

Practicing fire-safe behaviors and knowing what to do in an emergency can give your family the seconds needed to escape. For more fire safety tips, visit the Riverside County Fire Department website at and the CAL FIRE website at

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