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Archived News Release  

October 01, 2012
CONTACT: : Michele Patterson
Assistant to the City Manager

“Planning for the Future. Building Now.”

State of the City 2012 Mayor
Richard A. Stewart

Moreno Valley’s economic recovery is underway! Moreno Valley experienced the nation-wide economic challenge as City Hall suffered revenue decline by almost one-third in three years. In response, the City Council embarked on a series of comprehensive and strategic actions:

Controlled the Bleeding: The City Council adopted a Deficit Elimination Plan that closed City Hall on Fridays and downsized the City employee workforce by about 50%. Reserves that were wisely set aside in previous years for this purpose are being utilized to transition the City’s services and budgets.

Identified the Problem: The City Council compared Moreno Valley with the region and found that cities average 1.18 to 2.25 jobs per household, but Moreno Valley offers just 0.58 jobs per household. Moreno Valley also has just 9% of the land zoned for industrial while other cities average 15 – 25%. This imbalance in zoning has caused Moreno Valley to be housing rich and job poor. To correct the problem, the City Council re-zoned vacant residential land to more job-producing industrial zoning.

Matched Moreno Valley’s Strengths: The City Council evaluated growth industries and targeted logistics and healthcare for business attraction.

Committed to Strategic Investment: Unwilling to wait years for jobs to come, the City invested in infrastructure in areas zoned for logistics or healthcare that otherwise have high development costs:

  • The State Route 60 improvements at Nason Street and Moreno Beach Drive,
  • The Nason Street & Cactus Avenue extensions,
  • The Heacock Street Bridge / Perris Valley Storm Drain,
  • Perris Boulevard from Cactus to the southerly City boundary, and
  • Improvements to the Auto Mall.

Adopted an Incentive Rate: The Moreno Valley Utility provides discounts for new businesses that create jobs. This rate is also applied as a business retention tool for our Target and Kohl’s stores.

Engaged in an Image Campaign to showcase Moreno Valley through:

  • Achievement events,
  • Increased advertising,
  • More aggressive media opinion, and a
  • Video campaign to target Logistics and Healthcare employers.

Moreno Valley’s mantra has been “Jobs, Jobs, and More Jobs.” The key to full recovery is job creation through new business attraction and existing business expansion. During the past four years, Moreno Valley employers have actually produced more than 4,000 new jobs. The best news: the new Moreno Valley companies are averaging 70% of their new hires from Moreno Valley residents!

Significant challenges still remain. The 2012/13 fiscal year calls for continued action:

  • Job creation remains top priority.
  • The $1 million dollar subsidized shortfall in the street lighting budget must be solved.
  • Significant infrastructure needs in the Edgemont area must be addressed.
  • The City looks to the State Legislature to create a funding mechanism that replaces redevelopment.

These efforts demonstrate Moreno Valley’s continuing commitment to stimulating economic recovery. A few cities are declaring bankruptcy. However, Moreno Valley’s bold and decisive actions are proving effective in re-building our economy

Graphic of Building Now

Graphic of Investing in Success

Graphic of Expanding Healthcare Options

Graphic of Energy Rate Discount

Graphic of Do Business

Graphic of Building Local Business

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