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Archived News Release  

July 9, 2012
CONTACT: Joy Uribe
Parks and Community Services Department

Moreno Valley Idol Winners Announced

The City of Moreno Valley announced the winners of the Moreno Valley Idol competition at the Family Fun Fest celebration on July 4th 2012. The competition to name the top vocal soloists began in May and consisted of two rounds of auditions. The final performances were in front of the large Moreno Valley crowd gathered at the 4th of July Fun Fest. The performers named "Moreno Valley Idols" include the following:

Age Category 7- 15
First Place – Christine Panlasigui
Second Place – Sara Mislang
Third Place – Hilda Rosenthal

Age Category 16 – 25
First Place – Chris Peters
Second Place – Stephen Morris
Third Place – Laci Edwards/Parker

Age Category 26 – 40
First Place - Allisonne Crawford
Second Place – Jackie Whitfield
Third Place – Aaron Vigil

Age Category 41 +
First Place – John Trevino
Second Place – Robert Melvin
Third Place – Gail Shaw

The first place winners in each age category won a second generation iPad2; second place winners won an iPod Touch and third place winners in each category won $50.00 iTunes Cards. Over 150 vocalists auditioned for the Moreno Valley Idol competition.

For more information contact the Parks and Community Services Department at 951.413.3280.

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