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Archived News Release  

May 15, 2012
CONTACT: Sergeant John Del Valle
Moreno Valley Police Department

Moreno Valley's 2011 Officer of the Year

On May 8, 2012, at the Moreno Valley City Council meeting, Investigator Duke Viveros was recognized as the recipient of the City of Moreno Valley's 2011 Officer of the Year award.

Investigator Viveros received this honor based upon his outstanding work, determination, and tenacity during his investigation of sexual assaults against children. Moreno Valley's City Council, staff, and residents appreciate feeling safer and knowing that criminals are off the street because of Investigator Viveros' diligent work.

Investigator Viveros began his employment with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department in 1986. He worked a variety of assignments as a deputy and in 2000 he was promoted to the rank of Investigator. In 2010, Investigator Viveros transferred back to the Moreno Valley Police Department where he specializes in the investigation of crimes against children. He has been serving the residents of Moreno Valley a total of almost 19 years. Moreno Valley thanks Investigator Viveros for his dedication and honors him as the City's 2011 Officer of the Year!

For additional information please contact Sergeant John Del Valle at the Moreno Valley Police Department, Station Administration at (951) 486-6700. .

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