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Archived News Release  

May 11, 2012
CONTACT: Moreno Valley Police Department 951.486.6700 Non-Emergency Dispatch: 951.247.8700

Moreno Valley Launches "It's Up to All of Us" Pedestrian Safety Campaign

Every hour a pedestrian is injured or killed in California. Pedestrians accounted for nearly one out of five deaths in traffic collisions in 2009 – roughly 58 percent more than the national average. To address this deadly statistic, Moreno Valley is launching a new "It's Up to All of Us" public education campaign to remind residents to create a safer environment for pedestrians.

The innovative campaign will use community outreach and the City's local access cable channel MVTV-3 to promote targeted messages that focus on reducing pedestrian fatalities and injuries. In a series of five ads, drivers receive the messages: "Drive Like Our Lives Depend On It" and "It Won't Kill You to Drive Safely." Pedestrians will be asked to "Stay Alert – Stay Alive" and "Look Good. Then Look Again." And, a Wizard of Oz-inspired theme suggests that "Dorothy Had It Right" with "There's no place like home. Our home," calling on the entire community to slow down, avoid distractions, and keep everyone safe.

Organization officials note that one of the campaign's goals is to motivate people to walk more often and feel safe doing so, citing that many people don't walk as much as they would like because of safety concerns. "It's Up to All of Us" is designed to increase awareness of pedestrian safety by providing concrete reminders about actions that promote a safer environment.

One of the most critical changes urged by the campaign is for drivers to slow down. A documented relationship exists between vehicle speeds and pedestrian crash mortality. As speeds increase, so does the percentage of fatalities. Only about five percent of pedestrians are likely to be killed when struck at 20 mph, whereas nearly 80 percent of pedestrians are likely to be killed when struck at 40 mph.

The campaign messages also urge pedestrians to stay alert and avoid texting and talking on the phone while crossing streets, to look both ways, and to always look up and never assume they are seen by motorists. "This campaign can have a significant impact on people's lives. If even one life is saved or one tragedy is averted due to our efforts, we will have been successful," said Captain John Anderson.

The "It's Up to All of Us" Campaign is made possible by the California Department of Public Health, through a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.

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