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Archived News Release  

April 24, 2012
CONTACT: Neighborhood Preservation Division
Community & Economic Development Department 951.413.3450

3rd Community Meeting to Discuss Police Camera System

The City of Moreno Valley has approved the funding for a Citywide camera surveillance system. In an effort to educate the community, the Moreno Valley Police Department will be holding several meetings to explain why and how the camera system will be used. Input will be solicited from residents, as well as a question and answer session.

The 3rd meeting will be at the Moreno Valley Police Department on April 25, 2012, at 6:00 PM. The Police Department is located at 22850 Calle San Juan De Los Lagos.

For additional information please contact Sergeant John Del Valle at the Moreno Valley Police Department, Station Administration at (951) 486-6700 or by email at
