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Archived News Release  

February 22, 2012
CONTACT:Moreno Valley Planning Division

Notice of Preparation (NOP) & Public Scoping Meeting to Discuss Proposed World Logistics Center Specific Plan Project

A public scoping meeting will be held on Monday, March 12th to discuss the project and to take public comments regarding the potential environmental impacts of the proposed World Logistics Center Specific Plan project in the City of Moreno Valley. The proposed project is a proposed master plan for the future development of up to 41.6 million square feet of building area providing for modern high-cube logistics warehouse facilities on 2,665 acres within the Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan area also includes 1,136 acres of permanent open space and 19 acres of existing public utility facilities.

The public review period of the Notice of Preparation for this project is February 23 through March 26, 2012. During the public review period, public agencies, interested organizations, and individuals have the opportunity to comment on the proposed project and identify those environmental issues that should be addressed further by the City of Moreno Valley in the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The March 12th public meeting will be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 14177 Frederick Street, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Please see the links below for a copy of the Notice of Preparation cover letter and the Notice of Preparation Document.

For more information on this project, contact the Moreno Valley Planning Division at 413.3206

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